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Meredi - Finding Gravity

Meredi | Finding Gravity | 2019 | 11'

Trio percussion, piano & cello/voice

Link for the score | Composer's Website

“Trance, movement in time. It takes a while to make people understand that it's about a different perspective. I create places. Every change of a tone will open a new world. I let the piano and marimba build the walls. To get the feeling of a room, I put a melody with the cello in between the walls, an emotion in the vacuum. With the melody of the Cello, the energy it creates makes the space-time vibrate. I can feel the room, the bottom, the suction. I am floating in it. I am the gravitation. The room was built around me! 

Connecting walls.

If you suffer from positional vertigo, you sometimes think the floor is to your left. You just fall towards the left side. After it's gone, you get a whole new feeling for gravity.”


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